Control structures are broadly categorized into?Computer
Flow of Control:
Flow of control through any given function is implemented with three basic types of control structures:
Sequential: default mode. Sequential execution of code statements (one line after another) -- like following a recipe
Selection: used for decisions, branching -- choosing between 2 or more alternative paths. In C++, these are the types of selection statements:
Repetition: used for looping, i.e. repeating a piece of code multiple times in a row. In C++, there are three types of loops:
The function construct, itself, forms another way to affect flow of control through a whole program. This will be discussed later in the course.
Some useful tools for building programs or program segments
pseudocode - helps "think" out a problem or algorithm before trying to code it
flowcharting - graphical way to formulate an algorithm or a program's flow
stepwise refinement (top-down design) of algorithms
True and False
Selection and repetition statements typically involve decision steps. These steps rely on conditions that are evaluated as true or false
C++ has a boolean data type (called bool) that has values true and false. Improves readability.
Most functions that answer a yes/no question (or a true/false situation) will return a boolean answer (or in the case of user-defined functions, they should be coded that way)
Important: ANY C++ expression that evaluates to a value (i.e. any R-value) can be interpreted as a true/false condition. The rule is:
If an expression evaluates to 0, its truth value is false
If an expression evaluates to non-zero, its truth value is true
Logical Operators:
The arithmetic comparison operators in C++ work much like the symbols we use in mathematics. Each of these operators returns a true or a false.
x == y // x is equal to y
x != y // x is not equal to y
x < y // x is less than y
x <= y // x is less than or equal to y
x > y // x is greater than y
x >= y // x is greater than or equal to y
We also have Boolean operators for combining expressions. Again, these operators return true or false
x && y // the AND operator -- true if both x and y are true
x || y // the OR operator -- true if either x or y (or both) are true
!x // the NOT operator (negation) -- true if x is false
These operators will be commonly used as test expressions in selection statements or repetition statements (loops).
Examples of expressions
(x > 0 && y > 0 && z > 0) // all three of (x, y, z) are positive
(x < 0 || y < 0 || z < 0) // at least one of the three variables is negative
( numStudents >= 20 && !(classAvg < 70))
// there are at least 20 students and the class average is at least 70
( numStudents >= 20 && classAvg >= 70)
// means the same thing as the previous expression
Short Circuit Evaluation:
The && and || operators also have a feature known as short-circuit evaluation.
In the Boolean AND expression (X && Y), if X is false, there is no need to evaluate Y (so the evaluation stops). Example:
(d != 0 && n / d > 0)
// notice that the short circuit is crucial in this one. If d is 0,
// then evaluating (n / d) would result in division by 0 (illegal). But
// the "short-circuit" prevents it in this case. If d is 0, the first
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