Conventional Sources Of Energy Importance & Advantage in 300 words
Always surround yourself with positive energy’. You must have heard this phrase quite a lot; what is this energy we’re talking about? Do things have energy in them? And are these things conventional sources of energy? But, before that what are conventional sources of energy? How do we obtain this energy? Since all living beings use energy for various vital activities inside as well as outside their body. So, let us study about various conventional sources of energy below
What is Energy?
Classification of Energy Sources
Energy sources can be divided into two types based on how quickly can they be replenished:
Conventional sources of Energy
Non-conventional sources of Energy
What is a conventional source of energy?
When we cannot reuse a source of energy after using it once we call them “conventional sources of energy” or “non-renewable energy resources”. They are the most important conventional sources of energy. These include coal, petroleum, natural gas and nuclear energy. Oil is the most widely used source of energy. Coal, petroleum and natural gas account for about 90% of world’s production of commercial energy and hydroelectric and nuclear power account for about 10%
Energy is one of the most important components of economic infrastructure. In a developing economy, the energy demand is high from sectors like agriculture, industry, residential and economical. Energy resources are very much necessary for the existence of mankind.
When we cannot reuse a source of energy after using it once we call them “conventional sources of energy” or “non-renewable energy resources”. They are the most important conventional sources of energy. These include coal, petroleum, natural gas and nuclear energy. Oil is the most widely used source of energy. Coal, petroleum and natural gas account for about 90% of world’s production of commercial energy and hydroelectric and nuclear power account for about 10%.