English, asked by nikhilsam5345, 1 year ago

Conversation about religious things


Answered by aSELCOUTHbeing

My view on Religion:

"It's nothing but those thoughts which arises from the human mind when his tummy is filled enough 'nd isn't bothered abt his duties 'nd responsibilities of helping out his co-existers!"

If u ask a poor fellow (suppose a beggar) abt his religious views and the God he worships, he'll probably say, "Sirji, the one who gives me food is my God. If u give me food, then u r my God..Till now no Gods of any religion, whomever created this Earth, has given me a slice of bread...So for me, there's no religion or God!"

Well, I've heard the above statement from a beggar...

So what do u think???

What's the purpose of religion???

To feed the needy irrespective of his status, or to partition the humans????

I think, the latter is more common!

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