conversation between four friend on how to save money.
Secondary SchoolEnglish 5 points
Conversation between four friend on environment
Ask for details Follow Report by Ruchitgharat 30.01.2017
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upenderjoshi28 Genius
(Four friends are discussing seriously the changes in the
environment due to pollution and the possible measures that can stop the
further deterioration of the environment)
First Friend: Hey, have you noticed the winter season is
quite short and comes quite late?
Second Friend: Yes, it is true. My parents were discussing
the same phenomenon last night!
Third Friend: Do you know the reason behind this climatic
and seasonal change?
Second Friend: Undoubtedly, these changes are there because
of the environmental degradation due to colossal deforestation and burning of
fossil fuels! Global warming is tangible now! Earlier we just talked about it;
now we have started seeing its effects!
Fourth Friend: If this pollution is not controlled, the
future is going to be very grim. Life conditions will become unbearable! What
can be done to save our environment?
First Friend: I whole-heartedly agree with you. The only
solution to this very critical problem is people’s mass participation in saving
the environment. Mass forestation drive, stopping the use of fossil fuels
altogether, and using clean fuels such as solar energy, wind energy, hydrogen
can solve this problem.
Kal se hamlog paisa bachange ok lets save money.