English, asked by abhi8112, 9 months ago

conversation between Nick and mom during conversation between Nick and small during was going to school ​


Answered by PranavGovind007


mom : Nick wake up its time for school

nick : 5 minutes mom pl.

mom : Nike it's too late now

go and brush your teeth

nick : OK mom

mom : switch on the water heater and take your bath

nick :OK mom is my lunch ready

mom : lunch is ready but yesterday you went to sleep without ironing the uniform

nick: oh sorry mom I didn't remember it

mom : it's ok take the bath

nick :ok

mom: (nick came after bath) I have ironed your uniform

nick : thank-you mom

mom: nick wear the uniform and have your breakfast

nick: ok mom

mom:( after breakfast) nick get its too late

nick: ok mom buy I am leaving to the stop

pl.follow me and put this as the brainiest answer if you like it

Answered by yash13640
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