Conversation between pizza boy and customer at pizza shop
Pizza Place: Thank you for choosing Domino’s. This is Billy, how may I help you?
Tanis: Hi! I’d like to order a pizza please.
Pizza Place: Okay. And can I get your phone number please?
Tanis: Sure. It’s 503-827-8021.
Pizza Place: And your name?
Tanis: Tanis.
Pizza Place: And your address?
Tanis: It’s 1120 NW 14th Street, and we’re in the basement.
Pizza Place: And is there a certain apartment number or something like that?
Tanis: No. It’s an office. We’re just downstairs. When you come in just go down the stairs. It’s, it’s really easy.
Pizza Place: What can I get for ya?
Tanis: Um, I think that we’d like just one large pizza. Um half pineapple and cheese, and then half pepparoni. Can you guys do that?
Pizza Place: Sure can! Anything else I can do for you?
Tanis: Yeah. Do you have any specials right now?
Pizza Place: Um, unfortunately none with just a single pizza. Right now our specials are
the two medium, two topping pizzas, um, for $14.95… and the two large, two topping pizzas
for $17.95.
Tanis: Oh you know what? Let’s do the two mediums. Okay?
Pizza Place: Okay. So do you want one like, pineapple and one pepparoni?
Tanis: You got it! Are you guys busy today?
Pizza Place: Uh, we will be. I got a very large order coming up so…
Tanis: (Laughs) Oh my gosh! Well good luck!
Pizza: There we go. $14.95, and we’ll see you in about thirty-five minutes.
Tanis: Thanks a lot!
Pizza Place: Thanks for choosing Domino’s.
Tanis: Alright. Bye.
pizza boy:hi sir what do you want?
customer:ya! I want pizza
pizza boy:ok sir! hava a nice day
customer:thank you! !