Conversation between sister and her younger brother in hostel
Brother: Yes, I got it.
Sister: What?
Brother: Tomorrow is a public holiday.
Sister: What? Give me a clue.
Brother: It is special for our family.
Sister: Is it my Birthday?
Sister: Then what?
Brother: You don't have love for your family.
Sister: Yes, I do have.
Brother: You don't know it is....
Sister: It is ur Birthday
Brother:No, It's mommy's & daddy's wedding anniversary.
Sister: Oh! I really forget about that. Tomorrow is January 3 right?
Brother: Yes! We should give them a surprise party.
Sister: Yes of course I will call their family members and friends for party.
Brother: Ok I will order for their favourite chocolate cake.
Sister: We will go tomorrow for buying all these things.
Brother: We can take help of event management to look the party as their wedding.
Sister: That's a good idea!
Brother: Ok It's too late mommy will scold us for not sleeping at time.
Sister: Ok we can talk further tommorrow. Good night.
Brother: Good night.