Science, asked by poojitha12, 1 year ago

conversation between soil and seed


Answered by Nyaberiduke

Soil has moisture ,warmth and air ,when these conditions are present seeds is able germinate, each of these conditions have ways of boosting germination process. Like water or moisture help making the seed tests soft and soaking the cotyledon, warmth help in providing optimum conditions forgerminationenzymes responsible for gemination to work best.Air also help the enzyme in carrying out the process. Therefore soil is vital component in associating with seed.


Answered by Anonymous

Conversation between soil and seed :

Soil : Hi there! Are you new here.

Seed : Yes, I arrived here today itself.

Soil : Which plant will grow from you?

Seed : A mango tree will grow from me, if everything goes right.

Soil : Don't worry, everything will definitely go right and I am always here to assist you.

Seed : Thanks for your assurance.

Soil : Mention not. You'll be the first mango tree to grow in my region. It will pleasure to do friendship with you.

Seed : That's so nice of you. Can you provide enough amount of water and nutrients to me, for my growth?

Soil : Ofcourse I can. No need of asking.

Seed : Thank you once again!

Soil : Again no need of thanks. Now, take some rest and head towards your growth. Best of luck.

Seed : Sure!

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