Conversation between two friends at first day of school afeter long holiday
Answer:Dialogue Between Two Friends on Spending Summer Vacation
Hasem: Hello Sujon! How are you?
Sujon: I am fine. What's up to you?
Hasem: I am also fine by the grace of Almighty. What are you thinking now?
Sujon: I am recollecting the incident about how I enjoyed the summer vacation.
Hasem: Would you please describe it?
Sujon: Yes, why not? I went to my village home at Mymensingh. My heart leapt with joy when I met some known faces waiting for me.
Hasem: Were they very happy to find you among them?
Sujon: Certainly! They were very happy to find me among them. They welcomed me heartily. I was also pleased with their rustic simplicity.
Hasem: What did you do there?
Sujon: During my long stay there, I did a lot of things which gave me much pleasure and joy. The most interesting thing is that the village was free from urban noise.
Hasem: Didn't you go to the river?
Sujon: Certainly! One day my cousin along with his friends set a programme of boat riding in the river of Brahamaputra. We enjoyed the boat riding greatly.
Hasem: I see you enjoyed much. Did you make friendship with them?
Sujon: Yes. I made friendship with some of my cousin’s friends. I visited their homes off and on and enjoyed their hospitality.
Hasem: Oh, what a splendid summer vacation it was! Had I been with you!
Sujon: I also visited a village fair in the neighbouring village. That was a very crowded but enjoyable fair too. It would really be nice if you were with me.
Hasem: Really I feel thrill. Thanks for your nice description.