conversation between two friends regarding the impact of covid-19 pandemic
name of two friends Sarita and babita
Sarita hey hows u? after a long time!
babitaa. im fine.. just fade up of this pandemic...what about u..?
sarita same here yar! ..covid 19 has really affected every ones life... none can get out of home, and no enjoyment!
babita ya i agree with u..but it has some positive effects in this generation, none had time to spend time with their family.. but now we can spend all our time wth family..and as all are scared of covid.. they'll need to be healthy..drink healthy, eat healthy...which did not happen in this busy generation..its like God is giving us the punishments for our sins!
sarita Oh babita u r absolutely right! it has positive effects on those who are taking b safe against covid...but those who are not serious with this pandemic ..they have to suffer a many have died due to this..its safe to take care of urself and b happy at home instead of being at stay safe and take care..see ya!
babita okie take care u too bye!