English, asked by deep44, 1 year ago

conversation between two friends talking about the dress checking monitor who penalises that student who is not in proper school uniform. but he himself wears different types of socks and belt


Answered by Rohitkhare9988
This is the conversation between two friends talking about the dress checking monitor who punishes the student who is not in proper school uniform. but he himself wears different types of socks and belt. Let see what they are talking (Keep in mind that this type of a conversation must have a conclusion!!!)

Friend 1: Hey! Why were you punished today in the assembly?
Friend 2: I don't know. I think for not wearing proper uniform. From next time I                   will come in proper uniform. But did you see the monitor.
Friend 1: Yes. He himself doesn't come in proper uniform then how could                           someone make him the monitor !
Friend 2: If I was the monitor I would have got myself checked by my teacher                then check others.
Friend 1: I think we should complain about it to our class teacher. Isn't it?
Friend 2: We will complain about it tomorrow as first we should see that what                 he does tomorrow, whether he will coming in proper uniform or not.
Friend 1: OK. If he doesn't come in proper uniform tomorrow then we will be                   complaining about it tomorrow.

Rohitkhare9988: Please tell if there is some mistake.
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