English, asked by kopalachanshu, 1 year ago

Conversationof chuck and duke


Answered by downloadersfriends
Hooper was a tall and strong man. However, he met with accident and became crippled. He had a subdural hemorrhage in the motor section of his brain. It completely paralyzed his left side. After a month he went back home from the hospital. Everybody tried to make him walk but to no avail. Hooper had a big dog named duke. Duke loved his master very much. From the story, we come to know that Duke understood what had happened to his master. Although, when he first saw him he gave a great leap but when his master trembled he seemed to realize what had occurred. Afterward, he went up to him and poked Chuck’s left arm only and tried to lift it up. This went on for days. However, once, while he was coaxing his master, Hooper casually hooked a leash in Duke’s collar with his right hand. This excited the dog. He tried to make his master walk. The first time, it was just couple of steps with the help of the wheel chair. However, Duke was determined to make Chuck walk. Duke became Chuck’s strength. Hooper’s neighbours also said that the Dog knew what his responsibility was. Both had an incredible harmonization. The dog would pull his harness tight, stand and wait. Chuck would draw himself side by side of the dog and then the dog would rush out to the end of the leash and wait again. Gradually, Hooper became totally dependent on Duke. He didn’t require any physiotherapy any longer. It was Duke indomitable spirit and Chuck's own enthusiasm which  helped him recover fast.
Answered by lalito1729


New York state wildlife expert Richard Thomas found that a woodchuck could (and does) chuck around 35 cubic feet of dirt in the course of digging a burrow. Thomas reasoned that if a woodchuck could chuck wood, he would chuck an amount equivalent to the weight of the dirt, or 700 pounds.


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