Conversession between two friend regarding education system of India
Nick- Hi Mary . Finished your homework ?
Mary-No .Tomorrow there are lot of tests.
I don't know why exams are chasing us ferociously like a wild lion.And u have u finished homework?
Nick- No I didn't start yet I have lot of headache from morning.I just want to play for an hour
Mary-this can be better said as examination system rather than education system
Hope it will help you with
pikaa : Why do you think education is important for everyone here ? ( in school asking his friend )
Ash : Education is precious for one to follow his passion . if a person wants to do something great in his life then education is essential
pikaa: why it is called backbone of nation
Ash : Education is fundamental unit for measuring the developing rate of a nation.if a nation can't provide the least requirement of education to the people of its land then its growth will be affected.......