Conversion between 2 friends about cleanliness
Smith: Hi !Rahul how are you?
Rahul: Hello! i am fine
Smith : Hey did you hear about cleanliness campaigns running by the government
Rahul: Yeah i heard it from newspaper , it's a very good initiative from the state
Smith: Exactly, through this we can save not only save the environment but ourself too.
Rahul: Yeah but don't you think cleaning should also be practice at individual level.
Smith: You are right, after all cleaning is the way for healthy life and cleanliness is next to Godliness. So we should keep our surroundings clean ourselves as we are the one who created that garbage
Rahul: yeah, but there need to be spread the public awareness among the people about it.
Smith: You are right, that way government don't have to do this much of work ,when people we know the benefit of cleaning they will do their own.
Rahul: There is also need to motivate the people about it , and the students are the ones which can do it perfectly.
Smith: right! ok i have to go now . i have a work to do.
Rahul: Ok bye bye.