Convert 1010010110011 to HEXADECIMAL and OCTAL
To find: Hexadecimal and octal conversion of given binary number
1) Hexadecimal conversion:
Step 1: Make pairs of 4-4 bits from right to left
1 0100 1011 0011
Step 2: First pair have only 1 digit,fill three spaces with zeros
0001 0100 1011 0011
Step 3: Write equivalent hexadecimal digits for each pair
0001 -> 1
0100 -> 4
1011 -> B
0011 -> 3
Equivalent hexadecimal digits for 1010010110011 is 14B3
2) Octal conversion:
Step 1: Make pairs of 3-3 bits from right to left
1 010 010 110 011
Step 2: First pair have only 1 digit,fill three spaces with zeros
001 010 010 110 011
Step 3: Write equivalent hexadecimal digits for each pair
001 -> 1
010 -> 2
010 -> 2
110-> 6
011 ->3
Equivalent octal digits for 1010010110011 is 12263.
Final answer:
Hope it helps you.
To learn more:
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