Convert 110111001101 base 2 into base eight without transitioning through number numeral or base 10
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(110111001101)₂ → (6715)₈
The given binary number is (110111001101)₂.
To convert it into octal (base 8), we group the decimal number in a group of 3, starting from the leftmost end.
(110 111 001 101)₂
We know, (110)₂ = 0×2⁰ + 1×2¹ + 1×2² = 0 + 2 + 4 = (6)₈
Similarly (111)₂ = (7)₈
(001)₂ = (1)₈
(101)₂ = (5)₈
So, we get (6715)₈ as the octal representation of (110111001101)₂.
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