Math, asked by swatu, 1 year ago

 convert 15 year 3 month into year?

swatu: 15 * 3/12 years


Answered by lohithanaidu
15 years 3 months = 15 years + 3 months
3 months=3/12 years=1/4 year
Therefore, 15 years 3 months=15 years+1/4 year=15 1/4 years (or) 61/4 years.

Answered by MVB
We can convert 3 months = 3/12 years = 1/4 years. (1 year = 12 months)

Therefore, 15 years 3 months = (15 *1/4 ) years
= (60/4 + 1/4 )years
= 61/4 years
= 15.25 years
or 15 and one-fourth years in total.

It is a very simple riddle that can be easily solved with a bit of logic. That is why Maths is always fun to do.

Hope it helps!.

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