Convert 2/3 into fractions with denominators
powers of 10 getting closer and closer to it and hence write it’s decimal form.
Given find the fractions with denominators power of 10 getting closer and closer to it and hence write its decimal form of 2/3
Given fraction is 2/3
We can write this as 1/10 x 20/3
= 1/10 (6 + 2/3)
2/3 = 6/10 + 1/15
2/3 – 6/10 = 1/15
Therefore we get a fraction of denominator 10, close to 2/3
Now to get a fraction of denominator 100 close to 2/3
So 2/3 = 1/100 x 200 / 3
= 1/100 (66 + 2/3)
2/3 = 66/100 + 1/150
2/3 – 66/100 = 1/150
Now to get a fraction of denominator 100 close to 2/3
2/3 = 1/1000 x 2000 / 3
= 1/1000 (666 + 2/3))
2/3 = 666/1000 + 1/1500
2/3 – 666/1000 = 1/1500
Thus we get a fraction of denominator 1000 close to 2/3
The fractions 6/10, 66/100, 666/1000 gets closer to 2/3
Therefore 2/3 = 0.666
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