Convert 512 into quinary number
Answer: quinary number of 512 is 4022
Quinary (base-5) is a numeral system with five as the base.
A Quinary Number uses only these 5 digits: 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4
To convert decimal number 512 to quinary, we need to keep dividing the number by 5 and consider the reminder and write the values of reminder from bottom to top.
The following number is given: 512
To find :
We need to convert the given number in quinary number.
Now, to solve this follow the given step,
5 ) 512 ( 102 | 5 ) 102 ( 20 | 5 ) 20 (4 | 5 ) 4 ( 0
510 | 100 | 20 | 0
____ | ____ | ____ | ____
2 2 0 4
Therefore, the converted number is 4022.