convert 632.18 into paise
First we need to remove the point and then remove Rs or Re and write the paise at the end.
For example, to convert Rs 4.25 into paise we express it as 425 paise.
Consider some of the following examples:
(i) Re 0.60 = 60 paise
(ii) Rs 11.05 = 1105 paise
(iii) Rs. 14.00 = 1400 paiseProcess 2: (using process 2 we will solve the same examples of process 1)
We know that 1 rupee = 100 paise. When we convert rupees into paise, we multiply by 100.
For example, Rs 4.25 = Rs 4 + 25 paise
= 4 × 100 paise + 25 paise
= 400 paise + 25 paise
= 425 paise
Consider some of the following examples:
(i) Re 0.60 = Rs 0 + 60 paise
= 0 × 100 paise + 60 paise
= 0 paise + 60 paise
= 60 paise
(ii) Rs 11.05 = Rs 11 + 05 paise
= 11 × 100 paise + 05 paise
= 1100 paise + 05 paise
= 1105 paise
(iii) Rs. 14.00 = Rs 14 + 00 paise
= 14 × 100 paise + 00 paise
= 1400 paise + 00 paise
= 1400 paise
How to convert paise into rupees?
To convert paise into rupees first we need to count two digits from the right and put a point and also write Rs or Re in the beginning.
Consider some of the following examples:
(i) 1250 p = Rs 12.50
(ii) 705 p = Rs 7.05
(iii) 30 p = Rs 0.30
Step-by-step explanation:
₹1= 100p
₹632.18 x 100= 63218p