Convert (A8.4E7)16 into Octal and Binary.
Translate the number 168.30639648437510 в octal like this:
the Integer part of the number is divided by the base of the new number system:
168 8
-168 21 8
0 -16 2
Перевод чисел из одной системы счисления в другую
the Fractional part of the number is multiplied by the base of the new number system:
Transferring numbers from one number system to another
0. 306396484375*8
2 .45117*8
3 .60938*8
4 .875*8
7 .0*8
the result of the conversion was:
168.30639648437510 = 250.23478
the Final answer: A8.4E716 = 250.23478
now let's make the transfer using the decimal system.
let's do a direct translation from hexadecimal to binary like this:
A8.4E716 = A 8. 4 E 7 = A(=1010) 8(=1000). 4(=0100) E(=1110) 7(=0111) = 10101000.0100111001112
the Final answer: A8.4E716 = 10101000.0100111001112
Fill in the number with missing zeros on the left
let's make a direct translation from binary to post-binary like this:
010101000.0100111001112 = 010 101 000. 010 011 100 111 = 010(=2) 101(=5) 000(=0). 010(=2) 011(=3) 100(=4) 111(=7) = 250.23478
the Final answer: A8.4E716 = 250.23478 I HOPE IT HELP YOU
Given : (A8.4E7)₁₆
To Find : Convert into Octal and Binary.
Make Each Digit of Hexadecimal in binary of 4 digits
A = 10 in binary 1010
8 in binary 1000
4 in binary 0100
E = 14 in binary 1110
7 in binary 0111
Now Convert group of 3 digits of binary in Octal
000 = 0
101 = 5
010 = 2
010 = 2
011 = 3
100 = 4
111 = 7
Hence (250.2347)₈
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(11011)^2 =(______)^10 then number in the blank space is