convert decimal 98.46 to binary step by step
To convert integer 98 .46to binary, follow these steps: Divide 98.46 by 2 keeping notice of the quotient and the remainder. Continue dividing the quotient by 2 until you get a quotient of zero. Then just write out the remainders in the reverse order to get the equivalent binary number.
Here is the answer to 98 decimal to binary number:
Convert 98.46 from decimal to binary.
98.46 from decimal to binary is 1100010.0111010111.
Converting 98.46 to binary results in (1100010.01110101110)_2(1100010.01110101110)
98/2 - 098/2−0
49/2 - 149/2−1
24/2 - 024/2−0
12 /2 - 012/2−0
6 /2 - 06/2−0
3 /2 - 13/2−1
Hence, the value for 98 is (1100010) 2
Fractional part of .46
0 = 46\times20=46×2
0 = 92 \times20=92×2
1 = 84 \times21=84×2
1 = 68 \times 21=68×2
1 = 36 \times 21=36×2
0 = 72 \times 20=72×2
1 = 44 \times21=44×2
0 = 88 \times 20=88×2
1 = 76 \times 21=76×2
1 = 52 \times 21=52×2
1 = 04 \times21=04×2
0 = 08 \times 20=08×2