Convert each of the following into rupees: (a) 6 and 75 paise (b) 8 and 90 paise (c) 60 and 68 paise (d) 55 and 45 paise (e) 10 and 10 paise (f) ₹ 174 (h) 637 and 80 paise (i) 17 and 19 paise (j) 44 and 4 paise (1) ₹1 (k) 1 and 1 paise (n) 2 paise (g) 200 (m)63 paise
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Chapters in NCERT Solutions - Mathematics, Class 6
Exercises in Decimals
Question 1
Q1) Express as rupees using decimals.
(a) 5 paise (b) 75 paise (c) 20 paise
(d) 50 rupees 90 paise (e) 725 paise
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Solution 1:
(a) Re. 1 = 100 paisa
1 paisa = Re. \frac{1}{100}
5 paisa = Re. 5\times\frac{1}{100}=\ \frac{5}{100}=Re.\ 0.05
(b) Re. 1 = 100 paisa
1 paisa = Re. \frac{1}{100}
75 paisa = 75\times\frac{1}{100}=\ \frac{75}{100}=Re.\ 0.75
(c) Re. 1 = 100 paisa
1 paisa = Re. \frac{1}{100}
20 paisa = 20\times\frac{1}{100}=\ \frac{20}{100}=Re.\ 0.20
(d) Re. 1 = 100 paisa
1 paisa = Re. \frac{1}{100}
50 rupees 90 paisa = 50\ +\ 90\times\frac{1}{100}=50+\frac{90}{100}=50+0.90=\ Rs.\ 50.90
(c) Re. 1 = 100 paisa
1 paisa = Re. \frac{1}{100}
725 paise = 725\times\frac{1}{100}=\frac{725}{100}=Rs.\ 7.25