English, asked by vijaypratapaditya, 8 months ago


B) हरी एक नेक लड़का है। वह प्रतिदिन सुबह जल्दी उठता है। वह प्रतिदिन
अपने दांत साफ करता है। ठीक समय पर वह स्कूल जाता है। वह स्कूल का कार्य प्रति-
दिन करता है। अपना पाठ वह प्रतिदिन याद करता है। गुरुजनों का वह सम्मान करता
है। वह सदैव अध्यापकों तथा अपने बड़ों की आज्ञा का पालन करता है। वह एक धनी
पिता का पुत्र है, परन्तु वह सादा कपड़े पहनता है। वह एक सादा जीवन व्यतीत करता
है। कॉलेज का प्रत्येक विद्यार्थी उसे जानता है। क्या तुम उसे नहीं जानते हो? सब अध्या-
पक उससे बहुत प्रसन्न हैं तथा उससे प्रेम करते हैं। वह कक्षा में सदैव प्रथम आता है।
वह सदैव सच बोलता है। बुरे लड़कों से वह घृणा करता है तथा उनकी संगति पसन्द नहीं
करता है। वह एक आदर्श विद्यार्थी है।​


Answered by subhransu27


Hari is a noble boy. He gets up early in the morning every day. That every day

Cleans your teeth. He goes to school at the right time. That school work per-

The day does. He remembers his lesson daily. Of gurus


Answered by Manii299


Hari is a noble boy.

Every day, he wakes up early.

He cleans his teeth every morning.

He goes to school on time.

He memorizes his lesson every day.

He respects his teachers.

He always obeys the orders of the teachers and his elders.

The father has a son, but he wears plain clothes.

He leads a simple life.

Each student in his college knows him.

Don't you know him? All teachers are very pleased with him and they love him.

He always comes first in the class.

He always speaks the truth.

He hates bad boys and doesn't like their company.

He is an ideal student.​


You can easily do translation from Hindi to English. You only require the basic knowledge of the subject,

You don't have to translate word to word because both are different languages and have different grammar and sentence formation. So, if you want to translate, then use the right tense and right tools.


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