Convert into special number: 267
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(Two hundred sixty seven) is an odd three digits composite number following 266 and preceding 268 in Sclentlfic notation, it is written as 2.67×102 . the sum of its digits is 15
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Given data: The number 267.
To Find: The special number of 267.
The number 267 has to be written in reverse order such as 762.
Add the two numbers, 267+762=1029.
1029 is not a special number, since the reverse order is 9201.
Add the number 1029 and 9201, 1029+9201=10230.
10230 is not a special number, since the reverse order is 03201.
Hence, add the two number, 10230+03201=13431.
13431 is a special number because it gives the same number when it is written in back to front order.
Therefore, the special number of 267 is 13431.
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