Physics, asked by maheshpalki108, 6 months ago

Convert MKS unit of work i.e. joule into CGS unit of work i.e. erg by using dimensional
analysis method.​


Answered by Anonymous

What is the relationship between the SI and CGS units of work? Establish their relationships.

There unit of work in SI & CGS system are Joule & Ergs respectively.

The relations between them are-

1.0 Joule = 10^7 Ergs (i.e. 10000000.0 Ergs)

1 Ergs = 10^-7 Joule (i.e. 0.0000001 Joule)

Since, Joule = Newton. Meter,

Newton = Kilogram. Meter / Second²

So, Joule = (Kilogram. Meter/Second²)(Meter),

Or, Joule = Kilogram. Meter²/ Second².

Joules & Ergs are unit of same measurement. The only difference is it's size of measurement & System of unit. Joule is used for comparatively large measurement then Ergs. The main purpose of converting different units to make further calculations easy in same system of unit.

So, Ergs = Gram. Centimetre²/Second²

Joule = 1000 gram.10000 centimetre² /Second²,

Joule = 10000000 Gram.Centimetre² /Second²,

Joule = 10000000.0 Ergs.


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