convert the following decimal to like decimals
45.3 / 16.143 / 12.24 / 6.1245
To convert the given decimals into like decimals, we will add zeros in the end of the decimals to make them equivalent, so let's do it!
45.3000, 16.1430, 12.2400, 6.1245
And we are done! :D
• Decimals with the same number of decimal places are called like decimals. Eg : 2.5, 0.8, 10.6
• Decimals with different number of decimal places are unlike decimals. Eg : 3.2, 0.54, 15.534
Now the critical question is, How can we convert unlike decimals to like decimals?
To convert unlike decimals to like decimals find equivalent decimals with the same number of decimal places
For example,
Question : Convert 3.8, 5.98, 45.888 to like decimals
Solution : To make the decimals like, let's convert 3.8 and 5.98 into equivalent decimals with three decimal places, so let's do it!
So, 3.8 = 3.800 and 5.98 = 5.980
Now 3.800, 5.980 and 45.888 are like decimals
Hence, Converted