English, asked by sejalmishra53, 3 months ago

Convert the following sentences into passive voice.
1. He had polished the shoes at night.
2. Your teacher had explained the theorem clearly.
3. The woodcutter had cut many trees in the forest.
4. My grandfather had sold the house last year.
5. The carpenter had made the table.
6. Had you taken any woollens to the hill station?
7. Had he not completed the task before he went off to sleep?
8. What had the puppy done with the shoes?
9. Whom had the teacher scolded yesterday?​




1) The shoes were polished by him at night.

2) The theorem was explained clearly by your teacher.

3) Many trees in the firest had been cut by the woodcutter.

4) The house was sold by my grandfather last year.

5) The table was made by the carpenter.

6) Were any woollens taken by you to the Hill Station?

7) Wasn't the task completed by him before he went off to sleep?

8) What was done with the shoes by the puppy?

9) Who had been scolded by the teacher yesterday?


To change to passive voice, make the subject- ' object ' and make the object- ' subject '

Answered by Sitααrα

{ \bold { \underline{\large{Required \:  Answer :  - }}}} \:

1. He had polished the shoes at night.

  • The shoes had been polished by him at night.

2. Your teacher had explained the theorem clearly.

  • The theorem had been explained clearly by your teacher.

3. The woodcutter had cut many trees in the forest.

  • Many trees in the forest had been cut by the woodcutter.

4. My grandfather had sold the house last year.

  • The house had been sold by my grandfather last year.

5. The carpenter had made the table.

  • The table had been made by the carpenter.

6. Had you taken any woollens to the hill station?

  • Had any woollens been taken by you to the Hill Station?

7. Had he not completed the task before he went off to sleep?

  • Hadn't the task been completed by him before he went off to sleep?

8. What had the puppy done with the shoes?

  • What had been done with the shoes by the puppy?

9. Whom had the teacher scolded yesterday?

  • Who had been scolded by the teacher yesterday?


»»»Active voice: had + third form of the verb

»»»Passive voice: had + been + third form of the verb

Explore more:-

  • A verb is said to be in the active voice when the subject of the verb is the doer of the action or acts or is active
  • A verb is said to be in the Passive voice when the subject of the verb doesn't act but receives the action by someone or something.

Changing Sentence from Active to Passive voice:-

Active :- Sheela writes letter

Passive:- A letter is written by Sheela.

Note how the form has changed:-

  • The Object of the Verb in Active Voice (a letter) becomes the Subject of the Verb in the passive voice
  • The Subject in the Active Voice (Sheela) becomes the Object of the Verb in the Passive voice.And the Preposition by has been used before it.
  • An appropriate form of the Verb to be (is) has been used followed by the Third form(Past Participle) of the Verb (write)
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