English, asked by kongudhanush007, 5 months ago

convert the sentence into tense :

1. I caught more fish than him
(Future tense)____________

2. Ms.sita had the best picture
(Simple present)__________

3.mukul will fill the mug
(Present continuous)_________

4. the match is beginning
(Past tense) ___________

5. those boys climb quickly
(Continuous tense)_________

6. I pushed the boat out
(Future tense)___________

7. they will move about
(Simple present)___________

8. they dance well
(Future tense)___________​


Answered by shatakshikumari


I will catch more fish than him.

Ms. Sita has the best picture.

Mukul will be filling the mug.

The match has begun.

Those boys are climbing quickly.

I will push the boat out.

They move about.

They will dance well.

Answered by UniquePrincess1234

Answer :-

Tense in English Grammar is a form of verb that defines or indicates the actual occurrence of the verb i.e. when the verb/incident actually happened. Tense is the form of a verb that shows the time something happened, or is going to happen. Tenses are very important for they help us identify whether the incident occurred in past, present or future.

Types of tenses :-

Present Tense

Past Tense

Future Tense

Present Tense :- Present tense is that form of verb which speaks of the action which is currently going on at the moment or is being performed continuously. Like- She is singing, it is raining, the theatre is showing a Hindi movie etc are some examples of sentences using present tense. i.e. - singing, raining and showing.

Past Tense :- Past tense is that form of verb which speaks about the incident which had already occurred in the past. For ex- I ate a burger yesterday, Sally wrote a letter to the Chairman, I had gone to the doctor etc. All the sentences talk about the incidents of the past using past tenses of the verbs i.e. ate, wrote and gone. Past tense has great flexibility with regard to time and can talk about something which happened just five minutes back or even five years back.

Future Tense :- Future Tense speaks about the incidents that have not happened yet but could happen any time in the future. It could refer to any point of time in the future- from the next second to the next decade. For Ex- I will swim, Jane will meet Sally, Jane will be meeting Sally etc.



I will catch more fish than him.


Ms. Sita has the best picture.


Mukul is filling the mug.


The match began.


Those boys are climbing quickly.


I will push the boat out.


They move about.


They will dance well.

Hope it helps... ❤

Mark My answer as Brainliest... ❤

Have a Great Day Ahead.... ❤

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