convert the time 8:30 am to 24 hour format
There are two primary methods of showing the time. First there's the 12 hour clock that uses AM and PM, and then there's the 24 hour clock.
Most countries prefer the 24 hour clock method, but the 12 hour clock is widely used in Latin America and English-speaking countries. In the 12 hour clock method, it is 12:00 twice a day at midnight (AM) and noon (PM).
The table below shows the conversion between the 12 hour and 24 hour clock systems:
12 hour clock 24 hour clock
12:00 AM 00:00
01:00 AM 01:00
02:00 AM 02:00
03:00 AM 03:00
04:00 AM 04:00
05:00 AM 05:00
06:00 AM 06:00
07:00 AM 07:00
08:00 AM 08:00
09:00 AM 09:00
10:00 AM 10:00
11:00 AM 11:00
12:00 PM 12:00
01:00 PM 13:00
02:00 PM 14:00
03:00 PM 15:00
04:00 PM 16:00
05:00 PM 17:00
06:00 PM 18:00
07:00 PM 19:00
08:00 PM 20:00
09:00 PM 21:00
10:00 PM 22:00
11:00 PM 23:00
12 hour clock
The day is split into two 12 hour periods running from midnight to noon (AM hours), and noon to midnight (PM hours).
the time in 24 hour format is 8:30 only