Convert this sentences to negative in French Repondez a la forme negative Example : Je ne vois personne dans la rue , Je ne danse pas. 1] Tu lis un roman ? 2] Il boit du thē ? 3] Est - ce qu' il y a des pommes dans ce panier 4] Vous mangez des legumes 5] Est - ce que tu pars avec tes amis ?
Adverbes négatifs
Negative adverbs turn affirmative statements and questions into negative statements and questions. The most common English negative adverb is the word "not," but French is a little more complicated – quelle surprise !
Par exemple…
Nous sommes prêts.
> Nous ne sommes pas prêts. We’re ready.
> We’re not ready.
J’aime le café.
> Je n’aime pas le café. I like coffee.
> I don’t like coffee.
There are two main differences between French and English negative adverbs:
1. The French adverb has two parts: ne, which precedes the verb, and pas (or another word or phrase, see below), which follows it. When the verb is inverted, pas follows the subject pronoun.
2. In English negation, the helping verb "do" must be added to most verbs (learn more). This is not the case in French: if there’s one verb in the affirmative, there’s just one verb in the negative. Likewise, if there are two verbs in the affirmative, as in compound tenses/moods and dual-verb constructions, there are two in the negative.
When there are two verbs, ne and pas (or another word/phrase) go around the first (conjugated) verb, followed by the past participle or infinitive.
Par exemple…
1) tu ne lis un Roman
2) il ne boit du the
3) est-ce qu'il n' y a pas des pommes dans ce panier.
4) Vois ne mangez de legumes
5) est-ce que tu ne pars avec tes amis
Hope this helps you