Convert to passive voice

A song is sang by her.
Suhani is being helped.
Is a letter is being written by you?
Before the evening I will be finishing my task.
The ant is killed by the boy.
All the necessary precautions are took by them.
His mother's dead has been informed by them.
On the topic students research something.
The dog is hit by the car.
Many tricks are learned by the dolphins.
The situation is analysed by them.
The report is send by me.
We saw the headmaster is being talked by him.
Fear gripped us in a cold.
The tickets are bought by me for your return journey.
It will be kept by me.
It is being plant.
In that bed there are some mustard.
The force is stopped.
The key is lost by me.
Six mangoes are bought by her.
He is took to the hospital by them.
Hope it helps you
1. A song sung by her
2. Let her be helped.
3. Is a letter being written by you?
4. The task will be finished by me before the evening.
5. The ant has been killed by the boy.
6. All the necessary precautions has been taken by them.
7. His mother's death have been informed by them
8. Some research on topic was done by the students
9. The dog was hit by the car.
10. Many tricks have been learned by the dolphins.
1. The situation have been analysed by them.
2. The report have been sent by you.
3. He was seen talking to the headmaster by us.
4. We were gripped by a cold fear.
5. The tickets will be bought by me for your return journey.
6. It will kept by me.
7. It will planned.
8. Mustard has been sowned on the bed by me.
9. The force must be stopped.
10. The key have been lost by me.
11. Six mangoes were bought by her.
12. He was taken to the hospital by them.