Hindi, asked by siyachandervans1228, 2 months ago

Cookain mixture se aap kya samajhte hai


Answered by akshatnashine0212


To mix is to stir or put together more than one ingredient. This can be done by hand with a spoon or by using an electric mixer or cooking mixture.PeelTo peel is to take off the outer covering of a food such as an apple. A “peeler” is a kitchen tool that helps with this task. If you use a knife instead, always peel in the direction away from your body to avoid cutting yourself.PinchA pinch is a very small amount of an ingredient that is measured between your thumb and index fingers.PoachTo poach is to cook something such as an egg or fish in simmering liquid. The water is then discarded.PureeTo puree is to blend to the texture of apple sauce.ReserveTo reserve is to temporarily set something aside. For example, sometimes recipes will have you reserve liquid ingredients to add to the recipe later.SautéTo sauté is to fry lightly with a small amount of butter or oil in a pan.

Answered by XxDREAMKINGxX

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सब्जी बनाते वक्त कभी-कभी वह कड़ाही या बर्तन में चिपकने लगती है. अगर आपके साथ भी ऐसा होता है तो घबराने की जरूरत नहीं है. ऐसा तेल कम होने की वजह से होता है. कुछ कुकिंग टिप्स (Cooking Tips) की मदद से आप न सिर्फ अपनी सब्जी को बर्तन में लगने से बचा सकते हैं, बल्कि खाने का स्वाद भी बढ़ा सकते हैं

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