English, asked by vashusheoran27, 2 months ago

Correct any ten of the following sentences :
One always tries to hide his own faults.
(iv) Mount Everest is the top-mostest peak in the world
books you ha
7. (a)
(i) He is my older brother.
(iii) My scissors needs sharpening.
(v) The English is spoken by English
(vi) There is not many food in the house.
(vii) Riches has wings.
(viii) We should love each other.
(ix) He is a honourable man.
(x) I have met him yesterday.
(xi) This news is much shocking.​


Answered by sanjeeblama03


7. (a)

(i) He is my elder brother.

(ii) One always tries to hide one's own fault.

(iii) My sciesores need sharpening.

(iv) Mount Everest is the top most peak in the world.

(v) English is spoken. (by people)


(vii) Riches have wings.

(viii) We should love each-others.

(ix) He is an honorable man.

(x) I met him yesterday.

(xi) This news is very shoking.

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