English, asked by Kumar12345678927, 1 year ago

Correct the following sentence :
a- They rushed her to the doctor's clinic where they made her to drink some juice to gain some energy.

B- Ask him why hasn't he paid his room rent yet.

C- When I tickled the baby under its chain , it responder by a smile.

D- When they reached their villages after the earthquake, They found their houses destroying.

E- In our last survey of school,lack of basic facilities was noticed.

Please given reason


Answered by obedaogega


I will write the correct answers in the explanation section.


A] They rushed her to the doctor's clinic where they made her drink some juice to gain some energy.

B] Ask him why he hasn't paid his room rent yet.

C] When I tickled the baby under it's chain, it responded with a smile.

D] When they reached their villages after the earthquake, they found their houses destroyed.

E] In our last school survey, lack of basic facilities was noticed.

Answered by saijuchacko


A- They rushed her to the doctor's clinic where they made her drink some juice to gain some energy.

REASON - if 'to' comes it wont make a proper sentence as it is a grammar mistake.

B- Ask  him why he hasn't paid his room rent yet.

REASON - In such sentences the relative  pronoun is followed by statement, not an interrogative.

C- When I tickled the baby under its chain ,it responded by a smile.

REASON - The baby has already responded, which means it is ate the past. Responder is a spelling mistake.

D- When they reached their villages after the earthquake, they found their houses destroyed.

REASON - The earthquake has already happened, which means the sentence should be in a past tense.

E -  In our last survey of school,lack of basic facilities were noticed.

REASON - The word 'our' is mentioned, which means 'was' is supposed to be in a plural form (i.e - were)

saijuchacko: plzzzz mark BRAINLIEST
saijuchacko: I hope the answer helps with the reason
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