Correct the following sentences.
1. Wheat requires hot wet climatic conditions for growth
2. 'Slash and Burn' form of agriculture is sustainable only in high population density areas
3. In intensive farming yield per acre is low though total production per labour is high
4. Extensive commercial grain cultivation is practised in savanna grasslands
5. Cooperative farms are common in socialist countries and are based on social ownership
means of production and collective labour.
Answered by
Correct the following sentences.
1. Wheat requires hot wet climatic conditions for growth
2. 'Slash and Burn' form of agriculture is sustainable only in high population density areas
3. In intensive farming yield per acre is low though total production per labour is high
4. Extensive commercial grain cultivation is practised in savanna grasslands
5. Cooperative farms are common in socialist countries and are based on social ownership
means of production and collective labour.
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