correct the following statement and rewrite it. Human development index is defined as the weight ( in kilograms). Divide by the square of the height (in metres).
Per capita income is calculated by dividing total income of a country to total population ... Ans.(i) Development means change for the better/ progress over a period of time. ... Divide weight by the square of height. ❖ If this ... Explain the components of Human Development Index. ... Correct the following statement and rewrite:.
It is a person's weight in kilograms divided by the square of his/her height in meters. The National Institute of Health (NIH) has now defined BMI to be the ...Explain the components of Human Development Index.
Ans. (i) Per capita income – It is used to indicate the purchasing power of the people or their ability to
buy goods and services.
(ii) Adult Literacy Rate – It means the proportion of literate population in the 15 and above age group.
(iii) Gross Enrollment Rate – This means enrollment ratio for primary school, secondary school and
higher education beyond secondary school.
(iv) Life Expectancy at Birth – It denotes average expected length of life of a person at the time of birth.