English, asked by anilsunil1857, 9 months ago

corruption a hurdle in the path of development asl topic


Answered by yamuna041




Good morning everyone present here. I stand in front of you to speak on the topic ' Corruption--A Hurdle in the Path of Development '. Einstein quite rightly said, “The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.” India is a developing country facing many challenges. Corruption is the most detrimental of them. India was placed at 76th position out of 168 countries with a score of 38 out of a possible 100 in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index 2015.

I strongly believe corruption is like a canker to the health of the economic and technological prosperity of a nation. Corruption became rampant with the winning of freedom. Owing to the fallible democratic system and lack of stringent punishment mechanism for the culprits, it thrived, more in politics, government administration departments. Gradually its nexus became more nefarious. Corruption in India spread as a result of the connection between bureaucrats, politicians and criminals.

Political corruption is worst in India. The major cause of concern is that corruption is weakening the political body and damaging the supreme importance of the law governing the society. In the past few decades there was every conceivable scam and scandals in all key ministries. These cams and scandals tarnished the image of the country nationally as well as internationally. There were so many scams that people lost complete trust in the government.  Indian Coal Allocation Scam, 2G Spectrum Scam, Commonwealth Games Scam, Telgi Scam, Satyam Scam, Bofors Scam, the Fodder Scam, etc, are some of the many scams that were done by elected ministers, politicians, bureaucrats, and high government officials. The Indian Law system is so incompetent and vulnerable, that in most of the scams, no politician, bureaucrat, high government officials were punished.

Owing to these scams and scandals national wealth worth billions of rupees was wasted. The burden of this entire loss was borne by the people of India whose hard earned money was thus wasted by these corrupt government officials, bureaucrats and politicians. If the whopping amount of national wealth that was wasted, misused, and misappropriated in these scams and scandals, had been spent on creating the infrastructure in the country, it would have given the much required impetus to the pace of the developmental progress of the nation.

Now the most crucial question: ‘How to curb this evil of corruption?’ Although many anti-corruption agencies have been created to fight curb corruption, but they exist in name only. The only solution to the problem of corruption is people’s involvement in eradicating it from the face of our country. They will have to take the issue in their hands. The French Revolution and the Russian Revolutions stand as perfect examples which show when the people of a country unite against an oppressive evil, how the evil just vanishes. Since they are the losers in all the scams and scandals, as the money wasted and misused is their tax money, they have the right to curb scams and scandals. There must be large scale protests by the people against scams and ill practices.

The people must play a more proactive role in curbing corruption. The corruption has grown to such a big problem only, because we, the people have condoned these scams and scandals. If the people of India had protested against these scams initially, and demanded explanation from the government, these scandals would have been nipped in the bud. However, they did not take it seriously. Now, the time has come when they must unite against this evil, and launch a campaign to make India corruption free.

Secondly, if a nation is to achieve invincible prosperity in the fields of health, finances, science, technology, and innovation, the people of that nation must adopt the principle of integrity as it is a divine quality; it augments energy, enthusiasm, creativity, fearlessness, purposefulness, and accomplishment. Applying integrity even in the minutest details, they must persevere in the fields above mentioned. The prosperity will certainly follow. So develop in yourself integrity, with all your heart, body, and mind!

Of late owing to the growing awareness and protests by the people, the central Government has been taking some steps to curb corruption. Some anti-corruption agencies have been set up. Agencies such as RTI, the Central Vigilance Commission, and PIO have been created. The people, along with their unified protest, must use these agencies to curb corruption. The media can play a great role in curbing corruption. The concerted efforts of the people of India, anti-corruption departments, and media have the power to root out this evil from India. One thing is crystal clear; unless people pledge to eradicate corruption themselves, this evil will continue to exist.

Answered by raksha77


The speech topic for today is corruption and I will address my viewpoint on the same, particularly on political corruption. Ever since the formation of our country, everything is dictated by the political leaders and people ruling in the government sectors. Apparently we are a democratic country, but whosoever comes into the power tries to misuse that power for his/her personal gains, for acquiring wealth and luxury. The common people, as always, find themselves in a state of deprivation.

In our country, the gap between the haves and have-nots is so huge that it becomes a clear example of corruption in our country where one section of society acquires richness and wealth and on the other hand the majority of the masses remain below the poverty line. This is the reason why economy of certain nations is facing a decline, such as the USA economy.

If we are a responsible citizen of our country, we should understand that this corruption is eating into our nation’s economical growth like a termite and is giving rise to crime in our society. If the majority section of our society will continue to live in deprivation and poverty and will not find any employment opportunity, the crime rate will never come down. Poverty will destroy people’s ethics and morals and would result in an increase in hatred amongst the people. It is high time for us to address this issue and fight it in order to pave way for the holistic growth of our country.

The parliament should pass strict laws against the anti-social elements of our society, regardless of the fact that whether such people are within the political system of our country or outside it. There should be an equal treatment for all.

If one were to think and evaluate the causes behind corruption, then it could be countless. However, the most glaring reason responsible for the vicious spread of corruption, I believe, is the people’s non-serious attitude towards the governmental rules and laws and the sheer inertia of government towards those who spread evil in society. It appears that the ones who are employed to put an end to corruption have themselves become complicit in the crime and are encouraging it. Though there are various strict laws like the Prevention of money Laundering Act; Indian Penal Code of 1860 and the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988; to name a few, but there is no serious implementation of these laws.

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