English, asked by noorshk, 9 months ago

corruption free India essay​


Answered by SnehaKesharwani


A corruption-free India is a dream that every politician promises his voters during elections but forgets it during the regime. While corruption is usually associated with public sector employees and politicians, we cannot deny the fact that massive corruption and criminal offences exist even in the private sector of India.

Preventing corruption is not an easy task, especially in a democratic country like India. India is a free-market country with strong laws on privacy and human rights. But this is not the case in authoritarian regimes like North Korea or China. When a state is a complete police state, it becomes easier to tackle corruption since there would be no resistance. But in India, even the anti-corruption officers need to follow the course of the law to prevent corruption.

It is a tricky situation since the criminals circumvent the law while the people catching them has to follow the law. Red tape bureaucracy, lack of accountability and inefficient leadership are some of the reasons for the rising corruption rates in Inda. For India to become truly corruption free, strong laws, the autonomy of power to government officers and good awareness campaigns for the general public should be done.

How to prevent corruption?

While there is no one good answer to that question, here are some steps that should be taken to prevent corruption.

Accountability- A sense of accountability of income should be given by all the worker at all levels to prevent taking bribes

Vigilance- The anti-corruption officers should be vigilant

A sense of responsibility by the bribe givers should be inculcated by conducting anti-corruption awareness campaigns

String and robust laws in place

Constant monitoring and surveillance of office premises

Monitoring and following the irregular financial levels of the employees in question



Answered by sampreeti1201


Building a new India is almost impossible as long as there is the cancer of corruption in it. Corruption is an obstacle that the people of a country must overcome to be a happy nation. The national goals of economic prosperity, infrastructural development, and overall advancement will remain elusive until corruption is wiped out from our country. Eliminating corruption is impossible without the collective will of the people and the Government. Every Indian wishes to breathe in a cleaner, prosperous, progressive, stronger, self-reliant, more organized India. This is possible only when the evil of corruption has been totally vanquished.  Corruption is like a canker to the economic and technological prosperity of a nation. Now the most crucial question: How to curb this evil of corruption? The only solution to the problem of corruption is people's involvement in eradicating it from the face of our country. They will have to take the issue into their hands. Since they are the losers in all the scams and scandals, as the money wasted and misused is their tax money, they have the right to curb scams and scandals. There must be large-scale protests by the people against scams and ill practices.  Agencies such as RTI, the Central Vigilance Commission, and PIO have been created. The people, along with their unified protest, must use these agencies to curb corruption. The media can play a great role in curbing corruption. The concerted efforts of the people of India, anti-corruption departments, and media have the power to root out this evil from India. Let's join hands and eradicate corruption from the face of our country. The day corruption dies; a new India will automatically emerge and stun the world with its development in all fields.



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