Corruption free India my dream essay
Corruption Free India Essay: A long lost dream for many Indians, a corruption-free India is something that every Indian always dreams of. But how do we achieve a corruption-free India? Is it just India or the rest world also has problems with corruption. Is there are a country that has zero corruption? Most importantly, what is corruption exactly? How long has corruption been part of our lives? Are politicians solely responsible for corruption in India? How do we prevent corruption in India?
These are some burning questions that one always ponders upon when the issue of corruption in India comes up.
India, mostly in recent years, has become popular around the world because of the various scandals and corruption issues that have broken out in the power corridors of the country. Corruption has been a part of India ever since its birth. Corruption is not just something that is associated with politicians and businessmen, corruption is a problem in India that exists in all the levels, right from ministers to watchmen. Basically let us answer a few questions,
The tacking of corruption should come from higher authorities and the strongest laws and regulations should be in place. There are many laws in places such as the Prevention of corruption act and Jan Lokpal to name a few. While laws are robust in nature, its implementation is somehow weakened. This essay on corruption free India is mostly confined to corruption in the public sector. There is massive corruption in private sectors as well who circumvent the law of the land to make quick money.
To prevent corruption, we have to understand why corruption takes place in the first place.
Why does corruption take place in India?
Low salaries for government employees
An additional side income
Lack of fear of authorities and the law of the land
The mentality of “everyone takes a bribe, so why not me?”
In times of urgency, bribing might be the only way out. But,
Whose responsibility is to prevent corruption
We simply can’t expect everything to be done by the government when in some cases, the government leaders are themselves involved in massive corruption scandals. The responsibility lies equally with everyone, right from top-level ministers to mid-level government employees and low-level watchmen and workers. The responsibility also lies with the customer and common citizen of the country. He or she should be vigilant and record the acts of corruption and expose such people in accordance with the law.
While there is no one good answer to that question, here are some steps that should be taken to prevent corruption.
Accountability- A sense of accountability of income should be given by all the worker at all levels to prevent taking bribes
Vigilance- The anti-corruption officers should be vigilant
A sense of responsibility by the bribe givers should be inculcated by conducting anti-corruption awareness campaigns
String and robust laws in place
Constant monitoring and
Preventing corruption is not an easy task, especially in a democratic country like India. India is a free-market country with strong laws on privacy and human rights. But this is not the case in authoritarian regimes like North Korea or China. When a state is a complete police state, it becomes easier to tackle corruption since there would be no resistance. But in India, even the anti-corruption officers need to follow the course of the law to prevent corruption.
It is a tricky situation since the criminals circumvent the law while the people catching them has to follow the law. Red tape bureaucracy, lack of accountability and inefficient leadership are some of the reasons for the rising corruption rates in Inda. For India to become truly corruption free, strong laws, the autonomy of power to government officers and good awareness campaigns for the general public should be done.