Biology, asked by DevaNandaA, 11 months ago

Could anyone post me the syllabus for biology class 9 icse pls help me i would follow u​


Answered by progamerlucky2005


this is the syllabus of biology class 9


1. Basic Biology

(i) The cell, a unit of life, protoplasm, basic difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell; differences between an animal and a plant cell.

(ii) Tissues: Types of plant and animal tissues.

To be taught in brief with respect to location, basic structure and function, giving typical examples of their location so as to enable pupils to understand their role in different physiological processes in plants and animals.

2. Flowering Plants

(i) Vegetative Propagation: Artificial methods, advantages and disadvantages. Economic importance of artificial propagation, Hybridisation.and Micro Propagation. Brief idea of Biotechnology and its applications role in medicine and industry.

The concept in brief with suitable examples.

Artificial methods: cutting, grafting and layering with examples. Advantages and disadvantages of vegetative reproduction to be discussed.

Economic importance of artificial propagation.

Hybridization: Meaning and benefits.

Micro Propagation: meaning, uses and limitations.

(ii) Flower: Structure of a bisexual flower, functions of various parts.


Inflorescence and placentation (types are not required in both cases).

(iii) Pollination: self and cross-pollination.

(iv) Fertilisation

3. Plant Physiology

(i) Structure of dicot and monocot seeds, Germination of seeds, types, and conditions for seed germination.

Structure and germination of Bean seed and Maize grain. Differences between hypogeal and epigeal germination. Conditions for seed germination should be dealt with by experiments.

(ii) Respiration in plants: outline of the process, gaseous exchange.

4. Diversity in living organisms / Eco systems

(i) Understanding ecosystems - Definition. Interaction between biotic and abiotic factors.

Biotic component consisting of producers, consumers, decomposers. Terms of food chain, food web, pyramid.


Brief account of Abiotic or nonliving components such as air, soil, water and climatic factors like sunlight, temperature, humidity and wind.

Only Forest Ecosystem with its flora and fauna to be taught.

(ii) A brief outline of five Kingdom classification:

Main characteristics of each kingdom with suitable examples Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae (Thallophyta, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta and Spermatophyta) and Animalia (Non-chordates from Porifera to Echinodermata and Chordates - all five Classes)

(iii) Economic importance of Bacteria:

Useful role of bacteria - medicine (antibiotics, serums and vaccines); agriculture; (nitrogen fixing, nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria) and industry (curing of tea, tanning of leather)

Harmful role of bacteria in spoilage of food, disease in plants and animals, bio-weapons, denitrification.

(iv) Economic importance of Fungi:

5. Human Anatomy and Physiology

(a) Nutrition:

(i) Classes of food: balanced diet. Malnutrition and deficiency diseases.

(ii) the structure of a tooth, different types of teeth.

(iii) Digestive System: Organs and digestive glands and their functions (including enzymes and their functions in digestion; absorption, utilisation of digested food); tests for reducing sugar, starch, protein and fats.

(b) Movement and Locomotion:

(i) Functions of human skeleton

(ii) Axial and Appendicular Skeleton

(iii) Types of joints - immovable, slightly movable and freely movable (hinge joint, ball and socket joint, gliding joint, pivot joint.)

(c) Structure and functions of skin.

(d) Respiratory System: Organs; mechanism of breathing; tissue respiration, heat production.

6. Health and Hygiene

Cause of diseases:

(i) Bacteria - types of bacteria, bacterial control, three examples of diseases caused by bacteria e.g. Tuberculosis, Tetanus, Syphilis (Veneral disease).

(ii) Virus - nature of viruses, three examples of viral diseases e.g. Poliomyelitis, Mumps, Rabies, etc. Introduction to HIV, its outline structure and spread.

(iii) Parasites - two examples, roundworm, tapeworm and their control.

(iv) Brief idea of endemic, epidemic, pandemic, and sporadic.

(v) Hygiene: simple personal hygiene and social conditions affecting this. Disease carriers (vectors) flies, rats and cockroaches, contamination of water, waterborne diseases.

7. Waste generation and management

(a) Sources of waste - domestic, industrial, agricultural, commercial and other establishments.

Domestic waste: paper, glass, plastic, rags, kitchen waste, etc.

Industrial: mining operations, cement factories, oil refineries, construction units.

Agricultural: plant remains, animal waste, processing waste.

Municipal sewage: Sewage, degradable and non degradable waste from offices, etc. e-waste: brief idea about e-waste.

(b) Methods of safe disposal of waste: segregation, dumping, composting, drainage, treatment of effluents before discharge, incineration, use of scrubbers and electro static precipitators.

Answered by shiwankgond1234


1. Basic Biology

2. Flowering Plants

3. Plant Physiology


4. Diversity in living organisms / Eco systems

5. Human Anatomy and Physiology

6. Health and Hygiene

Cause of diseases:

(i) Bacteria

(ii) Virus .

7. Waste generation and management

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