English, asked by pritam7730, 9 months ago

could we stop rivers depletion ? how?​


Answered by siddharthkothari11


River is a natural stream of fresh water that flows into an ocean or into a land locked water body and is usually fed by small streams (called tributaries). The tributaries join the main river, during its onward journey, forming a drainage basin. The drainage basin collects available runoff and ground water (GW) discharge. Continuous optimum flow is an inbuilt quality of a healthy river system. Perennial healthy river is a living eco-system.


Natural responsibility of a river system

The natural responsibility of a river system is multifarious. The run-off uses the river course for its onward journey. The moving waters perform two functions. Under the first function, the moving water dissolves the soluble compounds and lifts loose material (rock fragments and soil etc). Under the second function, the running water transports the eroded sediments along with dissolved compounds. During transportation, it enriches the flood plane by depositing silt. In the final phase, the running river water deposits the transported detritus material to form the delta and the dissolved salts are added to the sea. The transportation of particles is selective and is controlled by their density, river bed slope and the flow velocity of running waters. It is different in different seasons and is influenced by rainfall and snow melt. River passes through different stages and tends to develop a smooth terrain. During its life, the river system continuously performs its natural function to different degree.

Drop in the flow leads to degradation of river health, unsafe conditions for the survival of aquatic life, unfavorable environment for discharge of its natural responsibility and therefore when the continuous non-monsoon flow stops, the river dries temporarily, the hydrological cycle breaks and the river lose its functional natural identity.

Environmental flow

Environmental flow is that optimum quantity of continuously flowing water which is essential for the discharge of river’s natural responsibility. The natural responsibility also includes eco-system safety, providing environment for survival of dependent creatures and vegetation.

Answered by thejokybong09


The answer is yes


1)If we avoid the use of plastic

2)Use adequate or proper amount of water

3)Reduce the use of vehicles

4)Plant leafy trees near the rivers to reduce the rate of evaporation

5)Do not throw any garbage

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