counter views on importance of music in human life
Music is a way to escape of life, which gives us relief in pain and helps us to reduce the stress of the daily routine. ... Music has a powerful thearapeutic effect on the human psyche. It has always been part of our association with specific emotions and those emotions themselves have given rise to great music.
Music can raise someone's mood, get them excited, or make them calm and relaxed. Music also - and this is important - allows us to feel nearly or possibly all emotions that we experience in our lives. ... It is an important part of their lives and fills a need or an urge to create music.
Music affects our emotions. When we listen to sad songs, we tend to feel a decline in mood. When we listen to happy songs, we feel happier. Upbeat songs with energetic riffs and fast-paced rhythms (such as those we hear at sporting events) tend to make us excited and pumped up