court of kho- kho?????????¿????¿
Total area requirement 30m x 19m (inclusive of lobby from all sides measuring 1.5m wide.)
Playing Area 27m x 16m inclusive of 1.5m x 16m of free zone behind both poles
Pole Distance 24m Central lane joining two poles measuring 24m length x 30cm width
Cross lanes 8 nos. intersecting the central lane. Each lane measuring 16m x 35m
Pole Size - Height (above ground level - 120cm to 125cm, Diameter 9-10cm.)
The game comprises two teams with 12 players each (as per the rules of the Asian Kho-Kho Federation 15 players each) in the team while only 9 players actually playing.
The match comprises 4 turns consisting of two defense and two chase turns.
Every turn is of 9 minutes duration.
Every put- out defender brings one point to the chasing team.
The high scoring team is declared as the winner.
The game consists of numerous defense as well as chasing skills
Defense: Single chain, double chain, ring game, dodging and faking
Chasing: running dives, pole dives, deceiving (judgment) Kho on the pole, delayed Kho, moving into cross lanes, etc.

- Total area requirement 30m x 19m (inclusive of lobby from all sides measuring 1.5m wide.)
- Playing Area 27m x 16m inclusive of 1.5m x 16m of free zone behind both poles
- Pole Distance 24m Central lane joining two poles measuring 24m length x 30cm width
- Cross lanes 8 nos. intersecting the central lane. Each lane measuring 16m x 35m
- Pole Size - Height (above ground level - 120cm to 125cm, Diameter 9-10cm.)
- The game comprises two teams with 12 players each (as per the rules of the Asian Kho-Kho Federation 15 players each) in the team while only 9 players actually playing.
- The match comprises 4 turns consisting of two defense and two chase turns.
- Every turn is of 9 minutes duration.
- Every put- out defender brings one point to the chasing team.
- The high scoring team is declared as the winner.
- The game consists of numerous defense as well as chasing skills
- Defense: Single chain, double chain, ring game, dodging and faking
- Chasing: running dives, pole dives, deceiving (judgment) Kho on the pole, delayed Kho, moving into cross lanes, etc.