COVID – 19 Pandemic , 2020 Acknowledgement,
Introduction – Definition of disaster and types of disaster
Causes of the disaster ( according to the topic allocated to you )
Case study
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Action taken by the Govt to fight the disaster
Cases of Covid-19 first emerged in late 2019, when a mysterious illness was reported in Wuhan, China. The cause of the disease was soon confirmed as a new kind of coronavirus, and the infection has since spread to many countries around the world and become a pandemic.
As agreed by several experts, fighting battle with COVID pandemic is as big as World War II1. As mentioned by UN General Secretary, “We are facing a global health crisis unlike any in the 75-year history of the United Nations one that is killing people, spreading human suffering, and upending people’s lives”. This virus is spreading so fast that within 3 months after WHO’s precautionary announcement, total number of positive cases reached 1.8 Million while US alone reported 5lak cases. Most of the developed countries including US, UK , Germany struggling to contain it, India with population of 1.3 crore. With just one doctor per 1000 vs 3 doctors in developed countries controlling this Virus from rapid growth is not just uphill task but very critical too. Interestingly, India is still able to manage it at 6 cases per million against 1500 cases per million2 in US which makes it an interesting case study for disaster management.
As per WHO and CDC, COVID19 spreads mainly among people who come in close contact of less than 6feet with those who are already affected which can be achieved with lockdown especially for dense countries like India which itself is an uphill task. India’s journey of defeating COVID19 started from as early as Jan 8th with travel ban from Countries like China followed by multiple measures. “Janata Curfew” call by Prime Minister on March 22nd, 2020 will be remembered as the day of “Largest Social Experiment” in the world with participation of 1.3 Billion Indians which is equal to total population of entire Europe and US. This is further followed by #21DayLockDown, #9pm9Minutes. While it might be too early to say if India is successful due to its proactive measures , but we can confidently say that it helped to get time for preparation to handle possible widespread situation which is applauded by organizations like UN3, WHO4 and scored 100/100 points in Survey done by Oxford University5
As per WHO recommendation, “Social Distancing” is key for controlling COVID19. Achieving Social distance for a country with population of 1.3 billion can only be possible with complete lockdown which is not an easy task to enforce on public without proper experimentation and communication. Hence call for “Janata Curfew” by PM Modi, requesting entire country to voluntarily stay at home for 12 hours helped not just in understanding pain points prior to #21daylockdown but also gave an experience for public to make prior preparation which also caused very less disruption due to weekend. This is also clubbed with a call to #ApplauseforHealthWorkers , expressing gratitude by clapping from balconies is another successfactor of this social experiment which helped as reinforcer for #JantaCurfew. This was executed with very minimum resources from administration.
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