English, asked by rajendraparcha25, 3 months ago

covod 19 corona worriers letter​


Answered by rohanshid35353


thank you somuch doctor, police,and sfaekarmachari

Answered by EvelynAdair


My dear friends – I would advise you to discuss these questions with an Oncologist. You can either send your caregiver with all reports including the films and CDs of Radiological scans conducted or you can fix up an audio or video consultation with a treating doctor first and then have a face to face consultation. It will save innumerable visits to the hospital. The treatment would depend on what stage of cancer treatment you are in. If you have completed your treatment, then you can delay your regular follow up visits. If you are already undergoing treatment, then it’s best advised to continue the treatment as planned and finish off your radiation or chemotherapy. If you are newly diagnosed with cancer, then your doctor would be the best person to decide if you can delay the treatment or if it should be started immediately and the risks involved in getting treated or delaying treatment in these testing times.

Please take care of the following measures at all times to prevent getting infected. Remember taking care of yourself first is your ethical responsibility to prevent yourself, your near and dear ones, and society at large from this pandemic. If you follow all the precautions as suggested below, you can avoid getting infected and complete your cancer treatment also on time.

The value of mindful handwashing can’t be under-rated. It has to be practiced at all times.

Wear a mask at all times after leaving home or when visiting the hospital. Please don’t remove the mask even after entering the doctor’s chamber.

Frequent handwashing with soap and water or at least 70% alcohol for at least 20 seconds is a must. Always carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer with you.

Stay away from the habit of frequently touching your eyes, nose, or face.

Maintain at least 2 m social distancing at home as well as outside.

Eat only freshly cooked high protein meals at home. Please stay away from outside food completely.

Keep yourself well hydrated and carry your own water with you.

Note down all your questions that you have to discuss with your doctor so that you don’t miss any important point and always carry a note pad with you.

Don’t go without a prior appointment as senior doctors may not be available every day or may be available for a limited time.

As only one attendant is allowed in the hospital, so please have a caregiver with you who is intelligent enough to ask, communicate, assimilate, and comprehend all the information provided.

Please wait for your turn and don’t enter the doctor’s chamber if a patient is already inside.

Please don’t hide any information about travel or if you have come in contact with a positive Coronavirus case. Please give your detailed history of fever, cough, breathlessness, diarrhea, etc.

Also please don’t forget to tell about any comorbidity as DM, HTN, CAD, TB, HIV, immune-suppressive therapies as the treatment decision might change in such circumstances.

Discuss regarding merits of surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, hormone therapy, immunotherapy, or any other option available.

Try to take an estimate of all the expenses involved in the treatment over the next few months as because of a shaky economy you might have difficulty in arranging funds.

Take a letter from the hospital where you are getting treated so that you have no difficulty in commuting to the hospital. Choose a nearby hospital which is not treating COVID-19 patients.

Seek the services of pick up and drop or ambulance services as per need as some of the hospitals may provide that facility for a few kilometers radius.

Have a shower and change all your clothes after hospital visits.

Please continue doing physiotherapy or exercises which have been recommended to you.

You can have the facility of sample collection and get delivery of medicines at home.

There is no harm in getting a little extra stock of medicines for a few days to last in case the lockdown gets extended.

Keep on doing yoga, meditation, and prayers at home. Have ample rest. And help your family in simple household chores if your energy permits. Maintain lavatory hygiene also.

Be-little more giving to people who are less privileged than you. Have a little amount of gratitude to who so ever is helping you even a bit in this time of crisis whether it’s your family member, health care worker, police personnel, or providers of essential needs.

Keep your morale high and stay away from negative news. Limit your on-screen time whether on WhatsApp, Facebook, or the entertainment box.

And please don’t forget to enjoy the beauty of the sky fall in love with y

this tiny small one should work

Dear friends,

I know it’s a very challenging and uncertain time now in the midst of all the Coronavirus pandemic. But what I know for sure is that there is still a road ahead, it may be curvy or slippery, but it will definitely lead us to our destination – the road to recovery and a healthy body. I know you have a lot of unanswered questions in your mind regarding Coronavirus.

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