Math, asked by adbhatnagar, 10 months ago

cows from 1 to 16.Each cow gives the number of litres milk which is her number. ... He has 4 sons.He want to distribute his cows to them but all should get 4 cows and equal amount of milk. Find the cows got by his sons.
Need to know logic as well


Answered by ramprakash24


Step-by-step explanation:

A farmer has 16 cows numbered from 1 to 16 in such a way that the 1st cow gives 1 kg milk, 2nd gives 2 kg and so on till the 16th cow gives 16 kg of milk.

To divide the milk equally among his 4 sons, we should add numbers 1 to 16

=> 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16 = 136

Divide 136 by 4. It gives answer 44. So the farmer gives 4 cows and 44 Kg milk to each of his son.


Answered by karthikmanikandanrav


Step-by-step explanation:

Here ,we need to use a bit of logic.That is , a bit of concept from arithmetic progressions.The sum of the milk produced by the the 1st and last is equal to the 2nd and the one before the last and so on.... That is 1+16=2+15=3+14=4+13 and so mathematically the 1st son will get the 1,2,16 and 15th cows, the 2nd will get 3,4,14 and 13th cows,3rd will get 5,6,12 and 11th cows,4th will get 7,8,10and 9th cows respectively.

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