Social Sciences, asked by AyushLokhande9500, 4 months ago

Craft making competition in the line with Mahatma Gandhi thought with bamboo


Answered by anmolpathak01


Education, like family, marriage, religion, law and politics is one of the important institutions of society which play pivotal role in maintaining and developing social system (Tandon, 2016). Gandhiji's contribution to education is unique in this sense that he made the first attempt to develop an indigenous scheme of education in British India. With the advent of British colonial rule in India, an alien system of imperial education was introduced which was in contradiction with the age-old, unique and all-inclusive holistic educational system of India. It has not only caused irreparable damage to Indian education system in the long run, but also created numbers of all kinds of differences, class-consciousness, ever increasing crave for western materialistic life style, etc. Most of Gandhiji's important writings on education have been compiled and edited by Bharatan Kumarappa in two books, Basic Education (1951) and Towards New Education (1953). These writings are mostly miscellaneous consisting of letters, speeches, extracts from books, and soon, but together they may be taken to constitute a coherent philosophy of education according to Gandhiji.

His philosophy of education is a harmonious blending of Idealism, Naturalism and Pragmatism. Idealism is the base of Gandhiji's philosophy whereas Naturalism and Pragmatism are the helpers in translating that philosophy into practice. Therefore he is known as practical- idealist. His nation was "…education for life, education through life, and education throughout life." This definition of Mahatma Gandhi would comprise everything that can be conceived under education. In the present paper an attempt has been made to discuss about the Gandhi's Educational thought which were influenced by his philosophy of life.

Mahatma Gandhi is a spirit of profound wisdom and captivating humility, armed with only an iron will and inflexible resolve and a frail man who confronted the brutality of military strength with the dignity of a simple human being. He believed in God implicitly. According to him, though individuals have different bodies, yet the same soul pervades in all of us. In short, Gandhiji experienced and realized Unity in Diversity. His philosophy of life has four elements namely- (1) Truth, (2) Non-Violence (3) Fearlessness and (4) Satyagraha (Saxena, 2003).

Gandhiji's philosophy to life is based upon the philosophy of Idealism. He advocated the ideals of truth, non-violence and moral values to achieve the ultimate truth of self-realization. He is child according to his nature and he becomes a pragmatist when he advocates learning by doing and learning by experience. All these lead to an integration, so essential to effective education and development of the total personality. (Saxena, 2003).

Gandhiji was not an academic philosopher but on the basis of his own experiences he is one of those philosophers who believed in self-sacrifice. In his philosophy there is very clear inclication of his love for individual and national freedom. He had a multidimensional personality with clear vision and definite approach to problems which were present in the country. Gandhiji philosophy of non-violence has great relevance in current scenario. According to him non-violence does not mean meek submission to the will of the evil doer. It is the soul force or truth force. (Vijayalakshmi, 2016). The purpose of his Satyagrah is to fight against injustice. Satyagrah should have the moral face to achieve change of heart by self-suffering of the adherence of truth and non-violence. Such philosophy of life helped him in developing his philosophy of Education which can be the true source of inspiration for the present system of education.


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