Create a class SalaryCalculation that is describe as below: Class Name : SalaryCalculation Data members : name(String type data) basicPay, specialAlw, conveyanceAlw, gross, pf, netSalary, AnnualSal (all double type data) Member methods: SalaryCalculation() - A constructor to assign name of employee (name), basic salary (basicPay) of your choice and conveyance allowance (conveyanceAlw) as Rs. 1000.00 void SalaryCal() - to calculate other allowance and salaries as given: specialAlw = 25% of basic salary. netSalary = gross – pf AnnualSal = 12 months netSalary. void display() - to print the name and other calculations with suitable headings. Write a program in java to calculate all the details mentioned above and print them all.
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
class SalaryCalculation
String name;
double basicPay, specialAlw, conveyanceAlw, gross, pf, netSalary, AnnualSal;
name = "Nikita Mishra";
basicPay = 150000.00;
conveyanceAlw = 1000.00;
void SalaryCal()
specialAlw = basicPay*(25.0/100.0);
pf = basicPay*(12.0/100.0);
gross = 150000.00 + specialAlw + conveyanceAlw;
netSalary = gross - pf;
AnnualSal = 12 * netSalary;
void display()
System.out.println("Name of Employee : " + name);
System.out.println("Basic Pay : " + basicPay);
System.out.println("Special Allowance : " + specialAlw);
System.out.println("Conveyance Allowance : " + conveyanceAlw);
System.out.println("Gross : " + gross);
System.out.println("PF : " + pf);
System.out.println("Net Salary : " + netSalary);
System.out.println("Annual Salary : " + AnnualSal);
public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception
Scanner Sc = new Scanner(;
SalaryCalculation sal = new SalaryCalculation();