create a function demo as the name of the class to get the parameters from main() function.
Default Argument At first, display() function is called without passing any arguments. In this case, display() function used both default arguments c = * and n = 1 . Then, only the first argument is passed using the function second time. In this case, function does not use first default value passed.
Create a function demo as the name of the class to get the parameters from main() function.
Constructor in Java
- Special method having same as name of the class .
- Not return any value.
- Automatically called upon creating any object.
Java Program
class Demo
int value1;
int value2;
Demo(int v1, int v2)
value1 = v1;
value2 = V2;
System.out.println("Inside Constructor");
public void display()
System.out.println("Value1 === "+value1);
System.out.println("Value2 === "+value2);
public static void main(String args[])
Demo obj = new Demo(56,78);
Value1 === 56
Value2 === 78